
Engine Information
Engine type: 4-stroke, single cylinder, air cooled
Displacement: 200cc
Max HP: 6.3hp/3600rpm
Max torque: 9.6 lb ft/2500rpm
Bore x stroke: 2.6 x 2.1 inches
Max speed: 25mph
Climbing ability: 12 degrees
Ignition: C.D.I
Starting system: Manual Pull Start
Battery: 12V 9Ah only by Electric Start
Carburetor brand: JF (RX)
Engine oil: SAE 15W-40
General Information
Clutch: Automatic CVT
Driveline / Driving wheel: Chain / Dual wheel drive
Suspension, F / R: - / Double Oil Damped Shock
Brakes, F / R: No / Hydraulic brake, Disc
Tires, F / R: 145/70-6 / 16x6-8
Fuel capacity: 1 gal
Weight, G.W. / N.W.: 386 / 330 lbs
Max load: 400 lbs
Dimension Information
Wheelbase: 48.4 inches
OA L x W x H: 67x43.3x51.2 inches
Height to seat: 10.2 inche
Min ground clearance: 2.8 inches
Pedal to seat back distance: 31

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